The Prayer of Transformation

          Last weekend I felt really stressed out. I felt like I had so much to do and not enough time to get everything done.  I don’t get this way often, but on this particular day I felt overloaded with everything that was ahead of me in the next week.  I stopped to read scripture,  renew myself and I opened up a newsletter I had just received from Sid Roth’s Mishochah (May 2012). In it there was an article and prayer by Dr. Jim Richards, founder of Impact Ministries in Huntsville,Alabama.

    The prayer was interesting and I did question a few things I was unfamiliar with, but decided to pray the prayer. It seemed so simple and so short, but as soon as I had finished, a supernatural peace came over me. I had been instantly freed from this feeling of stress that had a hold of me. Not only was I calm, but I realized what was stressing me- which I didn’t know before. I just felt stressed, but didn’t know why.  The article goes into detail of the prayer and I will condense it a bit below because the article is too long to write here. –and to make this even stranger- after I had prayed this prayer about 2-3x, I had a really interesting dream that I share below.

The Prayer of Transformation (by Dr. Jim Richards)         

Heavenly Father search my heart and discover the origin of this ( thought or feeling) of ____________________________.
Go to the very root of my being and resolve this origin in order to bring every aspect of my spirit, soul, and body into harmony with your truth and my true identity in Christ.
Search through every generation, every cellular memory, every action and every expression of this (thought/feeling) of______________________________.
Heal me completely according to the finished work of Jesus until Your life, light, love, truth, righteousness, peace, and joy empower me to completely forgive myself for every inappropriate expression, distorted perception, and destructive behavior, and forgive every person, place or circumstance that has contributed to this (thought or feeling) of___________________________
I choose to express my love for myself and my right as a child of God by allowing every mental, emotional, spiritual and physical dis-ease and inappropriate behavior based on this root problem recorded in my DNA to be transformed.
I choose being ______________________________________________.
I choose feeling _____________________________________________.
I am ______________________________________________________.

It is done! It is finished; it is mine by the resurrection of Jesus!
Thank you, Holy Spirit for the grace to live in the fullness of my identity as a child of God and a new creation in Christ.
I give you thanks, Jehovah my Healer, Who is good and only good. You are my God, my strength, my hope and my salvation!
(Now Express your personal love and appreciation to Him!)

  Prayer in detail: (condensed from article)

Heavenly Father, search my heart and discover this origin of this feeling of being overwhelmed:

 Why do I want the Lord to discover the origin? Because I don’t know if this feeling of being overwhelmed is really about how much work I have to do. I don’t know if it’s because this situation reminds me of a negative experience from my past, I just want to give God permission to go to the very root of it.

Go to the very root of my being, and resolve this origin in order to bring every aspect of my spirit, soul and body into harmony with “Your truth, and my true identity in Messiah”

 We’re not trying to get God to do something that hasn’t already been paid for. We’re briging this thought or feeling captive to the obedience of Messiah. Jesus has already paid for my deliverance from feeling overwhelmed. Jesus has already paid for me to have the power to accomplish things, to have peace and to have the mind of the Messiah.

Search through every generation

 Why every generation? Because we have learned that through cellular memories we pick up traits from our relatives going back several generations.

Search every generation, every cellular memory, and every action
 because I’ve probably done things that have contributed to this.

-and every expression of this feeling of being overwhelmed. And heal me completely; according to the finished work of Jesus, until Your life, light, love, truth, righteousness, peace and joy empower me to completely forgive myself for every inappropriate expression… 
…for every distorted perception and every destructive behavior
( and here’s the clincher) and forgive every person, place or circumstance that has contributed to this feeling of being overwhelmed.
       “I choose to express my love for myself and my right, as a child of God, by allowing every mental, emotional, spiritual and physical disease, and inappropriate behavior based on this root problem recorded in my DNA, to be transformed”
   It is my right as a child of God to exercise this authority. And I have to love myself enough to do this. I want to transform every inappropriate aspect of how this has been expressed in my life, and I really want this thing rooted out in my DNA, rooted out of who I am.

   And then I’m going to make a positive declaration: “I choose being at peace and confident. I choose feeling at peace and confident. I am at peace and confident. It’s done, It’s finished, it’s mine, by the resurrection of Jesus! And I thank you Holy Spirit for the grace to live in the fullness of my identity as a child of God, a new creation in Messiah. And I thank you Jehovah my Healer, Who is good and only good. You’re my God and my strength, my hope, and my Salvation” 

    After you have prayed, express your personal love and appreciation to Him!

(“The article continues on but ends with these words) Don’t let your past rob you of your future. 

My Dream  
Yesterday, early morning, I was waking up out of a very different dream. It seemed there had been an innumerable amount of time and hours spend searching through my entire life- and exhaustive study- you could say of me. Things were being taken out of my life- every bad thing I had ever done and said and every wrong or bad thing that had happened to me was being taken out of me and put in a canister that was being held. There was much- intense study- searching back to my early childhood. As I was waking up, yet still in dream, the exhaustive study of me was almost over. They were taking out all the times I had been hurt or hard times I had suffered- back to my toddler and childhood days. It was amazing. I looked at the canister and it was almost full and I turned to see myself. I could see myself standing up with my arms out as my life was searched and cleaned out. I looked- and in amazement I had turned this brilliant white light. My arms, my clothes. I could see myself on a brilliant white step and there I was brilliant shining white light. I was changed and transformed. I wonder if this is what will happen when the Lord changes us! It was amazing.

        Peace Everyone! Hey- I was reading in Ruth and noticed that every time they saw each other they greeted each other with a blessing. They didn’t say- hi, how are you. When they saw each other, they said “The Lord be with you”. I think we should do this! I noticed when Boaz came to his workers, he said “The Lord be with you” and they replied; “May the Lord bless you”  My sister and I already started this, we love it!

            May the Lord bless you today! May His face shine upon You!
                 The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever! Amen.

More information on Jim Richards: 
His site: (wordpress isn’t working for me, so I hope the links works) and Sid Roth’s site: